Eiffel excellence scholarship - Graduate level
Eiffel Scholarship - Graduate program
The Eiffel Excellence Scholarship for Graduate programs will fund:
- The 2nd year of a Master's degree program - 12 months
- The 1st and 2nd year of a Master's degree program – 24 months
- A 3-year engineering program - 36 months
Please note!
The application for the Eiffel Excellence Scholarship must be made at the same time as the application for individual admission as an international student (non-exchange admission).
The application for the Eiffel Excellence Scholarship must be made at the same time as the application for individual admission as an international student (non-exchange admission).
Scholarship applicants must meet the following criteria :
- Be of foreign nationality. Binational students with French as one of their nationalities are not eligible.
- Be a student age 27 or younger at the time of the application deadline (Must have been born after March 31st 1997).
- Should not benefit from another French government scholarship at the time of the application deadline.
- Must apply to the Eiffel Scholarship program for the first time. Applications rejected by Campus France during a previous selection cannot be represented.
- Language proficiency : a minimum of C1 in French or in English is required depending on the field of study.
- Must choose only one university to apply for the scholarship.
- Must apply for an eligible Master’s degree program.
The European and International Affairs office centralizes all applications and sends the files directly to Campus France.
Step 1: carefully read the program Règlement 2025 and check your eligibility.
Step 2: check the list of programs eligible for the Eiffel Scholarship. The final list of courses will be published the week of October 15.
Step 3: while waiting for the call for applications to open, prepare the following documents:
Step 4: Fill out the online application. You will be able to upload all the previous documents.
Step 1: carefully read the program Règlement 2025 and check your eligibility.
Step 2: check the list of programs eligible for the Eiffel Scholarship. The final list of courses will be published the week of October 15.
Step 3: while waiting for the call for applications to open, prepare the following documents:
Any document written in a language other than French or English must be accompanied by an official translation.
- Resumé / Curriculum vitae, written in French or English, explaining your academic and professional background (1-2 pages) .
- Rankings: any document attesting to the candidate's excellence: mention, rank, position within the class, number of students in the class, diplomas with the major/minor information, graduation date, mentions and final grades certified by the home institution.
- The candidate's professional project / personal essay, written in French or English. This document explaining should explain the choice of studying in France in relation to the academic background and future professional career. This presentation may be supported by a professional reference letter from someone from outside the institution (1-2 pages).
- Transcripts for the last three years referring to your academic career both in France and abroad.
- A photocopy of your ID showing the following information: surname, first name, date of birth.
- Language certificate or diploma if needed. Students from countries where French is the official language are not concerned by this certificate.
- The Master’s program brochure and academic calendar. You can find them directly on the website of the chosen course.
Step 4: Fill out the online application. You will be able to upload all the previous documents.
All Law and Political Sciences programs are taught in French (certain classes offered in English)
Droit des Affaires
- Master 1 Droit de l'entreprise
- Master 1 Droit maritime
- Master 2 Droit et Sécurité des activités maritimes et océaniques
- Master 1 Droit du marché
- Master 1 Droit privé général et carrières judiciaires
- Master 2 Droit privé général
- Master 2 Responsabilité civile et assurance
- Master 1 et 2 juriste trilingue
Droit de la propriété intellectuelle
Droit pénal et sciences criminelles
Droit social
Etudes Européennes et internationales
Droit public
Droit de l'environnement et de l'urbanisme
Histoire du droit et des institutions
All Economics and Management programs are taught in French (certain classes offered in English)
Mention Économétrie, Statistiques
Mention MBFA - Monnaie, Banque, Finance et Assurance
Gestion, Conseil, Management
Master double compétence Master Économie de l'environnement, de l'énergie et des transportsSome programs are taught in English
Biologie -Santé
- Master Graduate Programme I3 Immunologie et Immuno-intervention
- Master Graduate Programme InnoCare Innovation for CArdiovascular, metabolic and REspiratory diseases
- Master Graduate Programme OHNU Oncologie, Hématologie et Médecine Nucléaire
- Master Graduate Programme MICAS Microbiote, Intestin, Cerveau, Alimentation, Santé
- Master Graduate Programme Médecine 4R, Réparer, Remplacer, Régénérer, Reprogrammer
Master, Molecules, Materials and Geosciences (3MG)
- Master 1 Architecture logicielle (ALMA)
- Master 2 Architecture logicielle (ALMA)
- Master 1 Apprentissage et Traitement Automatique de la Langue (ATAL)
- Master 2 Apprentissage et Traitement Automatique de la Langue (ATAL)
- Master 1 Optimisation et Recherche Opérationnelle (ORO)
- Master 2 Optimisation en Recherche Opérationnelle (ORO)
- Master 1 DS (Data Science (parcours commun M1 parcours ATAL)
- VICO (Visual Computing)
Sciences de la matière
Electronique, énergie électrique, automatique (EEA)
- Master 1 EEA (Electronique, énergie électrique, automatique)
- Master 2 CISE (Capteurs intelligents et qualité des systèmes électroniques)
Génie civil
- Master 1 TPMT (Travaux publics et maintenance)
- Master 2 TPMT (Travaux publics maritimes et maintenance)
- M2 CRB (Conception et réalisation des bâtiments)
Gestion de l'environnement
Technologie marine
Earth, planetary, and Environmental SciencesEngineering programs at Polytech Nantes are taught in French
Formations d’ingénieur- Ingénieur Informatique (INFO)
- Ingénieur Électronique et technologies numériques (ETN)
- Ingénieur Matériaux (MAT)
- Ingénieur Thermique – Énergétique (TE)
- Ingénieur Génie Civil (CG) – in Saint-Nazaire
- Ingénieur Énergie électrique (EE) - in Saint-Nazaire
- Ingénieur Génie des procédés et des bioprocédés (GPB) - in Saint-Nazaire
Application Deadline
Please note that our application deadline is different from the one indicated on the Campus France website.
Graduate Programs : Thursday, November 14th 2024
Final results will be published by Campus France during the week of April 1st, 2025.
More information
If you have any further questions, please contact the European and International Affairs office : international.accueil@univ-nantes.fr
Mis à jour le 19 novembre 2024.