I am a 3MG PhD student
Are you registered as a PhD student, or currently in the registration process?
Here you'll find all the administrative formalities.
- Registration must begin at least 6 weeks before your arrival in the lab.
- Click here to find out how to register, depending on your host institution:
- Registration must be renewed at the beginning of each academic year and before September 30.
- Re-registration is subject to a favorable opinion from the members of the individual monitoring committee.
- Click here to find out how to re-register, depending on your host institution:
- Any thesis defense organized after December 31 of the 3rd year of registration must be the subject of a request for additional time.
- This authorization can only be granted after :
- a favorable opinion of a 3rd year CSI, which must be organized by September 15 of the academic year at the latest;
- a favorable opinion of the thesis director, specifying the funding conditions;
- a favorable opinion of the regional Doctoral School steering committe.
A minimum of 100 hours of training is required for the thesis defense (less for co-tutelle or CIFRE theses). There are 2 compulsory courses: research ethics and open science.
We offer a training program with recommended courses (not compulsory) to give you the basics for research. This training program represents 50-60 hours of the total 100 hours required. We also offer you a wide choice of optional courses which are sorted by category and you can choose according to your needs.
Our recommended courses will be automatically integrated into your Amethis training plan. You can personalize it according to your needs, for example by adding any of our optional courses. It will allow you to receive notification at the opening of a session and to be given priority when registering.
What is it?
- The thesis individual monitoring committee (CSI) follows the progress of the thesis.
- During an annual meeting, it assesses the progress of the research project and doctoral training.
- It makes recommendations and sends its report to the PhD student, the supervisor and the doctoral school director.
The CSI must include at least two people not involved in the thesis, with almost one HDR:- at least one member specialized in the discipline (or related to the thesis research field);
- at least one member non-specialized of the discipline. The doctoral school defines this criterion by the specialty of this member, who must neither be in the scientific field of the thesis subject, not be part of a related specialty linked to the thesis subject (thematic specialty of a collaboration, such as biological or experimental fields, for example);
- at least one member from outside the laboratory, registration institution and doctoral school regional perimeter.
Among these members, a referent must be named for filing the report on Amethis.
Before the interview
- Except in special cases, the CSI is set up no later than 4 months after the date of first registration.
- Its composition must be:
- filled in Amethis by the PhD student;
- validated by the supervisor;
- validated by the doctoral school.
- It is requested to contact each member of the CSI by videoconference within the first 6 months following enrolment in the thesis.
- The CSI must be organized each academic year (preferably in person, or by videoconference) regardless of the thesis begin date in the year.
- A progress report on thesis work and a summary of training courses followed must be submitted in Amethis and provided to the CSI members 2 weeks before the meeting (see template).
- When thesis work is of a sensitive nature, an undertaking of confidentiality must be signed by CSI members (see template)
During the interview
- Presentation of work progress and discussions with the CSI, the thesis director and the PhD student.
- Interview with the PhD student without the thesis director.
- Interview with the thesis supervisor without the PhD student.
- The CSI writes up the minutes (see template).
After the interview
The CSI referent must submit the minutes in Amethis by the following dates:
- 1st year : June 15, 2024
- 2nd year : May 15, 2024
- 3rd year and more: September 30, 2024 (see above)
The call for the 3MG PhD mobility grants is open: more information here.
- The organization of the thesis defense must begin at least three months before the planned date: see the procedure.
- For Nantes Université, the forms to be completed can be downloaded from the following address. For ITM Atlantique, you will find more information in this procedure.
Lab correspondents
- Jean-Yves LE QUESTEL
jean-yves.le-questel@univ-nantes.fr - Erwan LE GROGNEC
- Christophe PAYEN (chimie)
christophe.payen@cnrs-imn.fr - Bernard HUMBERT (physique)
- Sandrine HUCLIER (chimie)
sandrine.huclier@subatech.in2p3.fr - Lydie GIOT (physique)
- Gabriel TOBIE
gabriel.tobie@univ-nantes.fr - Stéphane MAZZOTTI
Dept. GERS
- Johnny GASPERI
Another question, a difficulty?
Registration, re-registrations, thesis defenses...
Fabienne PohlaAssistant