• Du 01 January 2025 au 31 December 2025
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 Version française

You are registered in the Graduate School 3MG and have a mobility project in France, Europe or outside Europe before December 31, 2025? The PhD mobility grants can help you to fund different types of stays.


For what?

  • Training schools (summer/winter schools...)
  • Training courses in a foreign university
  • Current or future scientific collaborations with a foreign laboratory
  • Immersion training in a foreign laboratory
Travel to the partner laboratory is not eligible for a thesis in co-supervision.

How much?

A maximum grant is offered depending of the destination:
  • €350 in France
  • €500 in Europe (including UK)
  • €800 outside Europe
A co-funding from the home research unit or the host organization is recommended, but not mandatory. The grant can be paid to the home research unit or directly to the PhD student, depending of the financial plan.


Applications will be reviewed by the operational committee of the Graduate School. In order to be presented to the committee, application file must be submitted to by the following dates:
  • March 21
  • May 12
  • June 25
  • An additional slot could be proposed depending of the available budget
The applicant and the research unit will receive a response within 10 days after the dates mentioned above.
Mis à jour le 20 February 2025.