Covid-19: Start of the 2020 academic year - information space for students

At the start of this 2020 academic year, one of the main priorities of the Nantes Université is to control the spread of Covid-19. The University is asking all students and staff to take collective responsibility so that it will be possible to study and work in conditions that keeps everyone safe and healthy.
Below you will find an information space that lists all current health measures, and answers questions.
The information below will be updated as the health situation evolves.

The latest news

Answers to your questions

Three key measures have been introduced to protect everyone's health: it is compulsory to wear a mask everywhere on campus and in all situations, hands must be systematically washed, and there must be a distance of at least one metre between each person. > Health instructions

It is essential to aerate or ventilate the premises so as to ensure satisfactory air renewal.
For buildings that do not have specific ventilation systems, it is recommended to ventilate the rooms regularly by opening windows as per the normal practices (10 to 15 minutes twice a day).
For buildings with specific ventilation systems, it is recommended to:
  • make sure that air intake vents and windows in rooms are not obstructed
  • ensure that air outlets in utility rooms are not obstructed
  • ventilate rooms by opening windows as much as possible
  • make sure that the air extraction fan motor assembly unit for the CMV is working correctly
In preparation for the start of the new academic year, maintenance operations were performed on the ventilation systems.
In the current context of the epidemic, special attention is regularly paid to ensure that these ventilation systems are working correctly. There are no plans for this to be changed or modified.

While attending classes in lecture halls and tutorials, it is compulsory to wear a mask and to maintain a minimum physical distance of at least one metre from others. In order to comply with the distancing measures, teaching and research units (UFRs) will conduct some lessons face-to-face, while others will be done remotely.
Specific measures will be implemented for vulnerable students.

Be on the lookout for any clinical signs before coming to university: fever over 38 degrees, cough, shortness of breath, etc.
If you have symptoms
  • Do not come to class
  • Get tested in a laboratory (free and no prescription needed)
  • Consult a doctor (general practitioner or at the student health services)
  • If you test positive for Covid-19: you must stay at home and contact the student health services to inform them of your test results.
Vulnerable students (people at risk, people with disabilities, etc.) should make themselves known to student health services and especially to ‘Relais handicap’ (the Office for Students with Disabilities), by sending an e-mail to

If you have been in contact with someone who has tested positive and you were not using protective measures (masks and 1 metre distance), you are now considered as a contact person.
Self-isolate at home for 7 days
Make an appointment for a test with a laboratory (free and no prescription needed) to be tested between 5 and 7 days after contact with a known case
Consult a doctor (general practitioner or at student health services)
Inform the student health services as soon as possible by completing this form. You will then be contacted by a nurse from student health services so as to assess your situation. If applicable, you will receive an attendance certificate if you have to stay in isolation/confinement at home.
For more information on the procedure to follow, click here
If you test positive for Covid-19: you must stay at home and contact the student health services to inform them of your test results.

University restaurants and cafeterias

Consult CROUS’ practical guide which lists the access terms and conditions; available on the Crous website

On-site meals at the university

Dining halls will be equipped with material for cleaning tables and microwave-type equipment
Disinfectant solutions will be made available so that you can wash your hands before and after handling any material or equipment
You will need to clean the space where you were eating as well as anything you may have touched; e.g. handles

Consult the health instructions to be followed in your university’s libraries

The French “3M” (Mask – Hands – Metre) rule applies to sporting and cultural activities
  • Each sport federation will define its own health rules
  • Each federation will inform its members of its rules and these rules will be applied

The Nantes Université is implementing essential health measures so as to limit the circulation of COVID-19 while, as best as possible, allowing students and staff to remain on the campuses.
To find out more about the health measures applicable to the various university events, please consult the reference document. Thank you for making sure that these measures are applied, in line with the recommendations of the Ministries concerned (Sport, Culture), which are regularly updated.
Thank you everyone!
Mis à jour le 17 September 2021.