Learn more about the Graduate School 3MG
Training students in and through research
As a strategic project of Nantes Université, the Graduate Schools develop Graduate Programmes strongly linked to the research and key themes of labs internationally recognized for the quality of their scientific work. This implementation is based on the SFRI TRITON project funded by the National Research Agency (ANR).
Among our research areas, 3 Graduate Programmes are currently opened. One of the objectives of these Master's and Doctoral degrees is to offer continuity of training through research thanks to continuous development of skills over 5 years and with the support of a unique teaching team.
Our Graduate School is also the Nantes part of the regional Doctoral School 3MG and offers activities for all PhD students registered or not in a Graduate Programme.
- Coordination of the Graduate Programmes
- Management of PhD studies
- Setting up new training courses
- Organization of scientific events
- Development of international relations
- Support for career pursuit
- Socio-economic partnerships
Key figures
20 research areas
in Physics, Chemistry
and Geosciences
205 students
45 at Master's level
160 at PhD level
240 CNRS scientists,
and lecturers
Mis à jour le 07 novembre 2024.