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JED 2023: Dimensions of the Universe

  • Le 25 mai 2023
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poster The Matter, Molecules, Materials and Geosciences Doctoral School Day (JED 3MG) was held on May 25, 2023 at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of Nantes University. This event, which brings together doctoral students and researchers in physics, chemistry and geosciences from different sites in Pays de la Loire, was an opportunity for everyone to discuss their research work.

The theme of this year's JED focused on the Dimensions of the Universe , a plenary conference by Professor Christophe Sotin introduced the event and marked the entry of the Planetology and Geosciences Laboratory (LPG) into the School Doctoral.

This JED was an opportunity for doctoral students to share the progress of their research: 30 oral communications were scheduled in three amphitheaters and 53 posters were presented during dedicated sessions.

At the end of the day, three prizes of €500 were awarded to the best communications by a jury made up of researchers and doctoral students. Congratulations to the winners: Corinne Coutant (CEISAM), Benoît Jabaud (LPG/Université Gustave Eiffel) and Alexandre Mérieau (IMN)!

The public was also able to vote for their three favorite posters and award three prizes of €300 to Maria Moutkane (IMMM), Axel Houssin (Moltech Anjou) and Louis Hardoin (Moltech Anjou).

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Mis à jour le 16 janvier 2025.