baccalaureate + 2 years
The University Diploma of Technology (DUT) is a 2-year degree program. The DUT trains students to work as senior technicians in all fields, for immediate entry to the workplace. To pursue an advanced degree after the DUT (general license, professional license or engineering school) students must submit an application or have their experiential learning validated before being admitted.baccalaureate + 3 years
The License is a 3-year program. At the end of the second year, several choices are available: a general license, professional license or engineering school. The general license can lead to further studies in a Master program or the competitive exams for civil service.The professional license, developed in partnership with businesses, prepares students for immediate entry into the workplace in fields that require specialized skills. It does not lead to further studies towards a Master.
Health Studies
The first year of health studies (PACES) consists of core classes that prepare students to take the entrance exams to the schools of medicine, pharmacy, dentistry and midwifery. The curriculum is common to the 4 branches, with specific classes in the second semester.
Nantes Université has three health studies programs : dentistry, pharmacy, medicine and medical technology (orthoptics, speech pathology and midwifery), taught in three schools in Nantes :
Nantes Université has three health studies programs : dentistry, pharmacy, medicine and medical technology (orthoptics, speech pathology and midwifery), taught in three schools in Nantes :
- Medicine and Medical Technology
- Dentistry
- Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences.
baccalaureate + 5 years
The Master is a 2-year program. During the first year (Master 1) students begin a specialization. In the second year (Master 2), students can choose a "professional" path for immediate entry in the labor market or a "research" path for pursuing doctoral studies. Many Master 2 programs require an internship of 4 to 6 months (at a business or research organization).baccalaureate + 5 years
Engineering degree
Nantes Université has an engineering school : Polytech Nantes. This is a 3-year program for students who have already completed a 2-year degree (L2 or DUT, for example). It is designed for students who want to be senior managers in industry or industrial public service.baccalaureate + 8 years
The Doctorate is open to holders of a Master degree. This degree is awarded after defending a thesis, written under the supervision and responsibility of a thesis director. The thesis is usually done in three years. The Doctorate leads to careers in research and development in the private sector but also careers as professors or researchers in public institutions (universities, CNRS...).
Mis à jour le 05 July 2019.