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The SUBATECH laboratory celebrates its 30th anniversary
  • Le 25 June 2024
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On Monday June 13, the Subatech laboratory celebrated 30 years of research with an event attended by laboratory staff, retired and former staff, the scientific community and institutional partners. The event provided an opportunity to review the history of the laboratory and its activities.

Nearly 200 participants attended a ceremony marked by speeches from the laboratory's 3 tutelles: Christophe Lerouge, Director of IMT Atlantique, Olivier Chauvet, Professor at Nantes Université and Christelle Roy, Director of IN2P3/CNRS. The laboratory's former directors also looked back on the highlights of the last three decades: Daniel Ardouin (1994-1995), Hans Gutbrod (1995-2001), Jacques Martino (2001-2011) and Bernd Grambow (2011-2018).

Mis à jour le 11 September 2024.